

IFLA Cataloguing News. World-wide review of the FRBR-Library Reference Model, a consolidation of the FRBR, FRAD and FRSAD conceptual models (28 February 2016)
FRBR-LRM即FR系列概念模型(FRBR、FRAD、FRSAD)的统一版, 定位是:在实体-关系建模框架内开发的高层概念参考模型覆盖书目数据的所有方面
FRBR评审组自2010年开始积极致力于统一模型,2013年成立统一版编辑组(Consolidation Editorial Group,CEG),负责起草本文件。起草人:Pat Riva, Patrick Le Bœuf, Maja Žumer(FRSAD第2作者)

FRBR-Library Reference Model / Pat Riva, Patrick Le Bœuf, and Maja Žumer. Draft for World-Wide Review, 2016-02-21

Transition Mappings / Pat Riva, Patrick Le Bœuf, and Maja Žumer. Draft to accompany the World-Wide Review of FRBR-LRM, 2016-02-22

Figure 5.6 Overview of Relationships


——— 用户任务 ———
5个用户任务,与ICP类似(FR..表示使用相同术语;- 表示无对应任务;( )表示使用不同术语】
识别 Identify(FRBR/FRAD/FRSAD)
选择 Select(FRBR/-/FRSAD)
获取 Obtain(FRBR/-/-)
探究 Explore(-/(contextualize阐明关系)/FRSAD)

——— 实体(LRM-E) ———
11个实体,分三层,命名类似CIDOC CRM(或FRBRoo)。
LRM-E1 Res(拉丁文Thing,FRSAD的Thema的普遍化,废弃/包含原第3组实体中的概念、实物、事件)
LRM-E2/E5 WEMI(保留)
LRM-E6 Agent(新,相当于原第2组实体)
LRM-E7 Person(保留)
LRM-E8 Collective Agent(新,废弃/包含原第2组实体中的家族、团体)
LRM-E9 Nomen(合并FRAD的Name和FRSAD的Nomen)
LRM-E10 Place(重新定义,当不限于主题)
LRM-E11 Time-span(新)

另:FRAD的标识符、受控检索点被废弃 ,(编目)规则、(编制)机构被认为超出范围

——— 属性(LRM-A) ———
属性37个。大大简化 ,保留的不多,不少被合并(通用化),或者变成关系,或因过于专指被剔除(超出通用模型范围),或归于管理元数据(超出范围)。
LRM-A1/A2 Res: Category, Note
LRM-A3 Work: Category
LRM-A4/A12 Expression: Category, Representativity, Extent, *Intended audience, Rights, *Language, *Key, *Medium of performance, *Scale
LRM-A13/A18 Manifestation: Category of carrier, Extent, Intended audience, Manifestation statement, Access conditions, Rights
LRM-A19/A20 Item: Location, Rights
LRM-A21/A23 Agent: Contact information, Field of activity, Language
LRM-A24 Person: Profession/Occupation
Collective agent: –
LRM-A25/A33 Nomen: Category, Scheme, Intended audience, Context of use, Reference source, Language, Script, Script conversion, Status
LRM-A34/A35 Place: Category, Location
LRM-A36/37 Time-span: Beginning, Ending

——— 关系(LRM-R) ———
LRM-R1: Res (is associated with) Res
LRM-R2: Work (is realized through) Expression
LRM-R3: Expression (is embodied in) Manifestation
LRM-R4: Manifestation (is exemplified by) Item
LRM-R5: Work (was created by) Agent
LRM-R6: Expression (was created by) Agent
LRM-R7: Manifestation (was created by) Agent
LRM-R8: Manifestation (is distributed by) Agent
LRM-R9: Manifestation (was produced by) Agent
LRM-R10: Item (is owned by) Agent
LRM-R11: Item (was modified by) Agent
LRM-R12: Work (has as subject) Res
LRM-R13: Res (has appellation) Nomen
LRM-R14: Agent (assigned) Nomen
LRM-R15: Res (has association with) Place
LRM-R16: Res (has association with) Time-span
LRM-R17: Nomen (is equivalent to) Nomen
LRM-R18: Nomen (is part of) Nomen
LRM-R19: Nomen (is derivation of) Nomen
LRM-R20: Work (is part of) Work
LRM-R21: Work (precedes) Work
LRM-R22: Work (accompanies/complements) Work
LRM-R23: Work (is inspiration for) Work
LRM-R24: Work (is a transformation of) Work
LRM-R25: Expression (was derived into) Expression
LRM-R31: Expression (has part) Expression
LRM-R26: Manifestation (has reproduction) Manifestation
LRM-R27: Manifestation (has alternate) Manifestation
LRM-R32: Manifestation (has part) Manifestation
LRM-R28: Agent (is member of) Collective Agent
LRM-R29: Collective Agent (has part) Collective Agent
LRM-R30: Collective Agent (precedes) Collective Agent
LRM-R33: Place (has part) Place
LRM-R34: Time-span (has part) Time-span

[update 2016-5-7] 《FRBR图书馆参考模型》评审反馈