
今日在IFLA-L邮件组中看到署名中国国家图书馆国际交流处严向东的信息(但发件人署hjm),介绍国际图联中文语言中心网站(IFLA Chinese Language Center)。

附邮件原文:[IFLA-L] about the website of the IFLA Chinese Language Center

Dear Colleagues,

It gives me a great pleasure to announce the launch of the IFLA Chinese Language Center (IFLA-CLC) website. The website is available at http://www.nlc.gov.cn/yjfw/ifla.htm#

The site is written in the Chinese language as a communication platform for the Chinese Speaking library professionals and a source of information about IFLA and its activities.

The new website includes informational material about IFLA, the IFLA Chinese Language Center, IFLA’s latest news, and upcoming conferences.

As the Center’s role is to help professional librarians, many of the IFLA documents such as Manifestos, professional articles and conference newsletters have been translated and made available on the site.

Yan Xiangdong
Director, IFLA Chinese Language Center
Director, International Cooperation Division
National Library of China





Strategic Plan, 2001-2003 首次提出要开发一部国际编目条例,从编目专家国际会议开始
4. Promote the development of an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access.
4.1 Plan and conduct an international conference of cataloguing experts as the first stage of conferences towards an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access, taking into account subject access as relevant (in collaboration with the Classification and Indexing Section).

Strategic Plan, 2004-2005 开发国际编目条例成为编目部首要目标
1. Promote the development of an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access.
1.1 Plan and conduct additional sessions of IME ICC (International Meeting of Experts for an International Cataloguing Code), as the first stage towards an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access, taking into account subject cataloguing as relevant. Collaborate with the Bibliography Section and the Classification and Indexing section as appropriate.

Strategic Plan 2006-2007 开发国际编目条例仍是首要目标,打算成立工作组(如FRBR…那样)
1. Promote the development of an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access.
1.6 Begin work of the Working Group on an International Cataloguing Code for description and access, taking into account subject cataloguing as relevant. Collaborate with the Bibliography Section, the Classification and Indexing Section, and other sections as appropriate. Include review of existing and recently updated codes.

Strategic Plan, 2007-2009 开发国际编目条例仍是首要目标,设定了2008年成立工作组,创建的将是针对条例制订者的条例(而不是供直接使用的条例?)
1. Promote the development of an international cataloguing code for bibliographic description and access.
1.5 In 2008, begin the work of a Working Group on an International Cataloguing Code for description and access to create a code for rule-makers. Take into account subject cataloguing as relevant. Collaborate with the Bibliography Section, the Classification and Indexing Section, and other sections as appropriate. Include review of existing and recently updated codes.

Strategic Plan, 2009/2011 首要目标改成了《国际编目规则声明》的发展与维护,国际编目条例的必要性则充满了不定性(成立工作组也不提了,基本上可说是胎死腹中了?)
Promote the development and maintenance of the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles for bibliographic description and access
1.4.  Be prepared, if deemed necessary by the review carried out under 1.3, to form a working group, in collaboration with other relevant sections, to further look into the need of separating the specific cataloguing rules from the principles and explore the need to expand the statement further towards becoming an international cataloguing code.

Strategic Plan, 2001-2003 (Revised at 68th IFLA General Conference and Council in Glasgow, 2002)(互联网档案Dec 18, 2002存档,未修订稿有Oct 31, 2002存档)
[update 2012-8-15,发现IFLA网站有PDF文本,出自:SCAT News, Number 17, July 2002]
Strategic Plan 2004/2005 (updated Aug. 2004)
Strategic Plan 2006/2007 (Revised August 25/29, 2006)
Strategic Plan, 2007-2009 (24 March 2009上传网站)
Strategic Plan, 2009/2011 (6 December 2009上传网站)


Strategic Plan, 2009/2011

Mission 使命

Goals 目标
1. 推进开发与维护书目描述与检索的国际编目原则声明(Statement of International Cataloguing Principles, ICP)
1.1 沿续ICP及其2009年2月出版词表的国际认同,鼓励世界上的编目规则制订者遵循这些原则
1.3 2011年着手准备对ICP的复审。鉴于当今快速变化的环境,确认更新ICP的需求,第一次复审计划于2014年(或视必要提前)
1.4 如根据对ICP的复审,认为有必要,则准备与其他相关部门协作成立一个工作组,看是否需要将特定的编目规则从ICP中独立出来,进一步扩充为一部国际编目条例。

2. 继续开发与使用FRBR系列概念模型

3. 继续修订ISBD
2010年出版ISBD第0项内容形式与载体类型 [已于2009年11月出版]

4. 发展其他方法、标准、规则及信息一览表,提供对所有语言书目与规范数据的检索
2010年出版新版《个人名称》(Names of Persons

5. 探索推进编目活动(尤其在发展中国家)
6. 提供关于本部门及常委会工作的信息
7. 扩大本部门成员,强调常委会的广泛地域代表性