

    在2004年6月的美国图书馆协会ALA年会上,机读书目信息委员会MARBI曾经讨论过MARC 21著录时是重复020的$a子字段,还是重复020字段。报道没有说明讨论的具体内容,推测重复子字段的理由应当是,因为对应的是同一装祯形式的多个号码;重复字段的理由应当是MARC 21定义中020$a不可重复。考虑到多家图书馆管理系统实现上的问题,LC最终采用重复020字段的方法。著录顺序是13位的在前,10位的在后。OCLC由于系统原因,暂时采用024字段(其它标准号),而未来仍将采用020字段。



    不列颠图书馆同样于2004年10月1日起处理ISBN-13。见:The British Library and 13-digit ISBNs



  1. 高价求购中图和科图对照表<br>qq:349984<br>mob:13911533606<br>

  2. Introduction<br>The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique machine-readable identification number, defined in ISO Standard 2108, which is applied to books. As a result of electronic publishing and other changes in the publishing industry, the numbering capacity of the ISBN system is being consumed at a much faster rate than was originally anticipated when the standard was designed in the late 1960s. While we will not run out of ISBNs tomorrow, it will happen before too long and plans are already in hand to provide a solution before the crisis point is reached. However, since the solution is to re-structure the ISBN, this will have an impact – to varying degrees – on all users of ISBNs: publishers, distributors, booksellers, libraries, and suppliers of systems and software to the information community and the book trade.<br><br>Changing the ISBN<br>The ISBN was first standardised in 1972 as ISO 2108 and last revised in 1992, using a 10-digit number structure. A 10-digit ISBN (now starting to bereferred to as ISBN-10) has, in theory, the capacity to assign 1 billion numbers. However, the internal hierarchical structure of the ISBN governs the way the numbers are assigned. ISBNs have been assigned over almost 35 years in over 150 countries or territories. The ISBN-10 is divided into four parts of variable length: the group identifier, the publisher identifier, the title identifier and the check digit; for example, ISBN 1-85375-390-4. Blocks of ISBNs are allocated by the International ISBN Agency [1] to specific regional groups or countries (the group identifier). Within each regional group or country, blocks of ISBNs are allocated by the national ISBN agency to specific publishers according to their output (the publisher identifier or publisher prefix). Finally, publishers allocate ISBNs to specific titles. This hierarchical allocation reduces the total number of ISBNs available, and has resulted in over-allocation in some areas and under-allocation in others. It is these areas of under-allocation where the ISBNs will run out first.<br><br>Revising the ISBN<br>The International Standards Organisation (ISO) Technical Committee 46 (TC 46) is responsible for information and documentation standards. Within TC 46, Subcommittee 9 (SC 9) [2] develops and maintains standards on the identification and description of information resources and Working Group 4 (WG 4) was established in January 2002 to revise the ISBN standard. The project leader is Michael Healy of Nielson BookData Ltd. The revised standard will specify all changes to the ISBN system. The ISO process has several stages, all of which have now been completed: project proposal, working draft, committee draft, draft international standard (comments at this stage may result in further changes), final draft international standard (yes or no vote by ISO members) and publication. Voting on the draft international standard ended on 19 July 2004 with 100% approval from the 23 P-member countries that voted, with no negative votes and 4 abstentions. On 15 October 2004, the ISO TC46 SC9 Web site [2] reported that the final draft international standard had now been unanimously approved by a formal vote of ISO member organisations. The aim is to publish the new standard, ISO 2108 4th edition, by the end of 2004. It specifies an implementation date of 1 January 2007. All users of ISBNs need to have made any necessary changes to systems before that point. <br><br>ISBN-13<br>In looking for a revised numbering system for the ISBN, the Working Group took into account a number of other issues, such as the need for standardized metadata for ISBN assignments, and funding and support for administration of the ISBN system. The revision is also reviewing the criteria and conditions that are used to decide how the ISBN is assigned to certain types of monographic publications (e.g. digital files, print-on-demand materials, and discrete parts of monographic publications).<br><br>The present ISBN is used in its 10-digit form by a range of information community and book trade organisations. However, the bar code system(the bar code printed on the back cover of paperback books for example) used by retail systems throughout the supply chain is the 13-digit European Article Number (EAN) code. An ISBN can be transformed into an EAN by adding the 3-digit EAN product code for books (978) in front of the ISBN and recalculating the check digit. So ISBN 0-901690-54-6 becomes EAN 978-0-901690-54-8.<br><br>At the same time that the ISBN was being revised, the United States decided to migrate from its 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC) to the EAN, which has now been renamed the EAN-UCC-13 international standard for product coding [3]. The Working Group proposed that the ISBN should also move to integrate with the EAN-UCC. This aligns the ISBN with all other product numbering, making trade with non-book retailers (e.g. supermarkets selling paperback books) much easier. It will also be more efficient and cost-effective to introduce the new ISBN-13 while North American users are already adapting to an equivalent change in their UPC bar code system.<br><br>Existing ISBNs can be transformed into ISBN-13 by the addition of the book code prefix 978 and another product code prefix – 979 – has been made available, which will open up a new range of numbers. Numbers in the new range will only be allocated once numbers from the old range have been exhausted.<br><br>The Working Group considered using an alphanumeric or hexadecimal ISBN within the 10-digit format, but rejected these options as they would be incompatible with most bar code systems. They also rejected the idea of changing the ISBN into a &aposdumb&apos number (eliminating the region/country and publisher identifiers) and culling all unassigned numbers for use elsewhere: because of the need for a strong central database to administer assignment and prevent duplication, this would be a costly and complex solution.<br><br>Impact<br>How will this change affect users of ISBNs? The major changes to be aware of include the following:<br><br>The ISBN will change from 10 to 13 digits on 1 January 2007. <br>Existing ISBNs will be prefixed by 978. <br>The resulting 13-digit number will be identical with the EAN-13 number that is currently encoded in the bar code. <br>The 979 prefix will be introduced when the current stock of numbers is exhausted. <br>Publishers&apos identifier prefixes are not likely to remain the same for ISBNs using the 979 prefix. <br>Bar codes will carry the 13-digit ISBN with hyphenation above the bar code and the EAN-13, the identical number without hyphens or spaces, below the bar code. <br>Publishers, Distributors, Booksellers<br>All publishers, distributors and booksellers need to review all of their processes as the ISBN is embedded in a variety of ways. They need to be aware of the changes and how it impacts on both internal and external processes.<br><br>Publishers are advised to<br>
