
RDA在编制过程中,于2007年与DCMI协作成立的DCMI/RDA工作组,开始与语义网/关联数据相关的工作,其最主要成果就是发布在开放元数据注册(Open Metadata Registry)的RDA词汇表(The RDA (Resource Description and Access) Vocabularies)。在RDA最终发布的联机产品“RDA工具包”(RDA Toolkit)中,该注册的链接列于“其他资源”。

词汇表注册工作约始于2008年,内容包括RDA元素集(RDA Element Sets)和RDA词汇表。在2011年6月RDA美国测试协调委员会报告与建议中,对RDA编制方JSC提出的建议之一是6个月内完成对RDA元素集与词汇表的联机注册。时隔月余,2011年8月1日,JSC、DCMI/RDA工作组及出版方ALA出版社宣布,首批RDA控制词汇表经过评审获得批准,其状态已由“新提出”改为“出版(published)”。

RDA Aspect Ratio (http://RDVocab.info/termLIst/AspectRatio)
RDA Form of Musical Notation (http://RDVocab.info/termList/MusNotation)
RDA Form of Notated Music (http://RDVocab.info/termList/FormatNoteMus)
RDA Layout of Cartographic Images (http://RDVocab.info/termList/layoutCartoImage)
RDA Mode of Issuance (http://RDVocab.info/termLIst/ModeIssue)
RDA Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Expression of a Legal Work
RDA Production Method for Tactile Resource
RDA Reduction Ratio (http://RDVocab.info/termLIst/RDAReductionRatio)
RDA Scale (http://RDVocab.info/termList/scale)
RDA Sound Content (http://RDVocab.info/termList/soundCont)
RDA Status of Identification (http://RDVocab.info/termList/statIdentification)



First RDA Vocabularies Published (1 August 2011)

(书社会)Keven的日志:RDA术语表正式发布 (2011-8-2)


OCLC近日推出WorldCat身份档网络:WorldCat Identities Network,由J.D. Shipengrover负责开发。

WorldCat身份档(WorldCat Identities)中包括个人、对象(如泰坦尼克号船)、虚拟人物(如哈利·波特)、机构。身份档网络采用WorldCat身份档API,为被检索的身份提供多至10个相关身份,并以可视网络的方式显示。每个显示的身份都可以点击,再关联与其相关的10个身份。




据Lorcan Dempsey说,最初打算把身份档网络的图形显示放在身份档页面,因未能实现而决定作为一个独立的应用。Dempsey指出结果页完全未经编辑,数据采用API分别从WorldCat身份档和WorldCat中抽出,就是一个混搭(mashup),只是这个词现在不常听到了。

开发页面给出了一个挑战:发现从Jane Austen到Aldous Huxley的六度分离关系,答案是Jane Austen──George Eliot──Henry James──Joseph Conrad──D.H. Lawrence──Aldous Huxley。依这个路径使用身份档网络发现,一般只同时显示二个身份关联图(即同时显示21个)。除非多个身份间有直接关系,如Austen, Jane与Chapman, R.W.与Southam, B.C.……由于Chapman是一个编辑,与较多作者关联,因而会产生较复杂的关系图。

另外,可视化或分面等数据挖掘后的显示,最容易显露数据中的错误。再以Jane Austen为例,关联的Champman, R.W. 1881-1960与Champman, R.W.显然是同一人。WorldCat身份档是从WorldCat中经程序挖掘而成的,显然规范做得还不到位。(直接查Jane Austen也可以看出这一点)
Lorcan Dempsey’s Weblog: Worldcat Identities Network: a ‘mashup’ (July 30, 2011)

新闻页面:OCLC News: New Prototype: WorldCat Identities Network (28 July 2011)

研究部页面:OCLC Research: WorldCat Identities Network (22 July 2011)

开发页面:OCLC Developer Network: WorldCat Identities Network

WorldCat Identities API landing page (technical information)

WorldCat Search API landing page (technical information)


RDA: Resource Description and Access / by Resource Description & Access and RDA (Nov 22, 2010)



RDA Vocabularies for a Twenty-First-Century Data Environment / by Karen Coyle (Mar 1, 2010)
从关联数据角度讨论RDA。刊于期刊:Library Technology Reports, v.46, no.2(ProQuest、EBSCO收录)
1 Library Data in the Web World 5
2 Metadata Models of the World Wide Web 12
3 FRBR, the Domain Model 20
4 RDA in RDF 26
Resources 37

Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics / by Chris Oliver (Jul 9, 2010)
最早的RDA入门性专著,亚马逊Look Inside可以看第一章及文后部分。推荐阅读书目较全面。
1 What is RDA? 1
2 RDA and the International Context 6
3 FRBR and FRAD in RDA 13
4 Continuity with AACR2 37
5 Where Do We See Changes 47
6 Implementing RDA 73
7 Advantages, Present and Future 91
Selected Resources and Readings 105
Index 111

The RDA Primer: A Guide for the Occasional Cataloger / by Amy Hart (Sep 16, 2010)
对RDA及相关内容的简要解说,亚马逊Look Inside可以看导论、第一章前面部分及索引。
Introduction xi
1 History and Development of RDA 1
2 What is FRBR? Who is FRAD? 9
3 FRBR and FRAD Entities 13
4 FRBR and FRAD Relationships 21
5 AACR2 to RDA 29
6 Changes from AACR2 to RDA 35
7 MARC Changes 45
8 Putting It All Together 53
9 RDA and Library Systems 61
10 Metadata Community 65
11 RDA and Metadata 71
12 RDA and YOU 79
Work Cited 83
Index 87

Describing Electronic, Digital, and Other Media Using AACR and RDA: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians / by Mary Beth Weber and Fay Austin (Nov 30, 2010)
估计就提到一点儿RDA。书评:”This is an up-to-date and handy desk reference for catalogers of electronic, digital cartographic, sound, video, Internet, database, and other mixed media. It’s also suitable for non-tech services librariansa€|With a useful CD-ROM for step-by-step help and a companion website that will be updated as necessary. Recommended.” –Library Journal, April 2011

Practical Cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC21 / by Anne Welsh and Sue Batley (Jun 30, 2011)
introduction to catalogs and cataloging standards;
publication formats and bibliographic elements;
access points and headings;
RDA: the new standard, its development, structure and features;
AACR and RDA: the similarities and differences between the two standards;
the MARC21 record, studying tags, indicators and sub-field codes;
summary, outlining the major issues.