
MARBI(Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information,机读书目信息)是ALA下属ALCTS(图书馆馆藏与技术服务协会)、LITA(图书馆与信息技术协会)和RUSA(参考与用户服务协会)的跨部门委员会,其主要任务是评估与推荐机读书目标准。
日前,ALCTS和LITA宣布组建新的元数据标准委员会(ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee),其功能与MARBI基本相同。委员会的组成尚在讨论中,将于2013年ALA仲冬会议期间开始工作。
元数据委员会将取代MARBI──三个协会已投票决定MARBI于2013年6月30日解散。MARBI解散后,MARC21将完全由MARC咨询委员会(MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) 向LC提供咨询职责。

ALA Connect: ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee / Carolynne Myall (ALCTS President 2012/13)
LITA BLog: New ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee / Zoe Stewart-Marshall (LITA President 2012/13)

[update 2012-8-28] 附:关于MAC及其职责

The ALCTS/LITA Metadata Standards Committee will play a leadership role in the creation and development of metadata standards for bibliographic information.
– The Committee will review and evaluate proposed standards;
– recommend approval of standards in conformity with ALA policy;
– establish a mechanism for the continuing review of standards (including the monitoring of further development);
– provide commentary on the content of various implementations of standards to concerned agencies;
– and maintain liaison with concerned units within ALA and relevant outside agencies.

Its mission is to:
– Encourage the creation of needed standards for the representation in machine-readable form of bibliographic information
– Review and evaluate proposed standards
– Recommend approval of standards in conformity with ALA policy (especially the ALA Standards Committee)
– Establish a mechanism for continuing review of standards (including the monitoring of further development)
– Provide commentary on the content of various implementations of standards to concerned agencies
– Maintain liaison with concerned units within ALA and relevant outside agencies

