AACR2的升级版――资源描述与检索(RDA)未来会以联机版面世,近日发布了联机版的原型演示视频,可以在有声/无声、800 x 600像素/1024 x 768像素四种方式中选择。看完后,可以参加联机调查,对用户界面及功能发表评论。
1 Very Useful 2 Useful 3 Marginally Useful 4 Not Useful
1 The RDA online product prototype is designed to improve access to RDA content. Please indicate how useful these aspects of the product would be to you. (对RDA内容访问的改进)
- Ability to read RDA in a linear fashion(线性方式阅读)
- Ability to browse RDA(浏览)
- Ability to search RDA according to a specific information need(检索)
- Ability to find specific (known) rules or examples(寻找)
- Ability to see rules in immediate context (e.g., one or two subsections above and below)(上下文显示)
- Ability to see rules in broad context (e.g., within entire section)(整节显示)
- Ability to easily navigate cross-references(参照)
- Ability to work with various worksheet templates that will have links to field-relevant rules(以不同模板,链接到字段相关规则)
2 The RDA online product prototype is designed to improve workflow. Please indicate how useful these aspects of the product would be to you. (对工作流程的改进)
- Compatibility with multiple metadata schema (e.g., mapping to Dublin Core)(与多个元数据集如DC的兼容)
- Interoperability with digital bibliographic information sources (e.g., Onix)(与数字书目信息源如Onix互操作)
- Compatibility with a workflow that is increasingly online(与联机化的工作流程兼容)
- Ability to download rules to other (e.g., portable) devices(下载规则到其它手持设备)
3 The RDA online product prototype is designed to be customizable. Please indicate how useful these aspects of the product would be to you. (可定制化)
- Ability to customize by user group (e.g., institution, unit, class)(按用户群定制)
- Ability to customize by individual user(个别用户定制)
4 The RDA online product prototype is designed to aid in cataloging instruction. Please indicate how useful these aspects of the product would be to you. (辅助编目指导)
- Step-by-step guidance for basic data creation or record building(逐步指导基本数据创建)
- Greater utility in an increasingly digital educational environment (e.g., MLS or CE courses)(数字教育环境)
5 Please indicate how useful the following product versions would be to you: (版本)
- Full(完整版)
- Concise(简明版)
- Customized(定制版)
6 Please indicate how useful the following product interfaces would be to you: (界面)
- Search/Browse(检索/浏览)
- SmartSheet(表格)
- Step-by-Step(逐步显示)
7 Please indicate how useful the following product features would be to you: (特性)
- Templates for the various worksheet styles or formats(不同的模板)
- Mouse-over definitions (鼠标移过出现定义)
- Drop-down lists (content type, media type, mode of issuance, etc.)(下拉列表选择)
- RDA buttons concept (i.e., context-sensitive links to RDA content)(内容敏感链接)
- Pop-up box instructions and examples(弹出框示例)
8 Are there any other features or functionalities that should be included? (还可增加什么功能)
9 Based on the prototype you see here, what is the likelihood that an online product will help you address the following tasks: (联机产品帮助表达下列任务的可能性)
1 Definitely 2 Very Likely 3 Somewhat Likely 4 Not at All
- Description of resources (资源描述)
- Determining main and additional access points for a work(决定作品检索点)
- Formulating headings for those access points(构成检索点的标目)
- Authority control(规范控制)
10 How do you currently access AACR2? (使用AACR2的方式;单选)
- print (印刷版)
- Cataloger’s Desktop (电子版)
- both
11 Which of the following best decribes your current role? (担任职位;单选)
- Library Director
- Library Science Faculty
- Paraprofessional Cataloger
- Professional Cataloger
- Technical Services Assistant/Associate Director
- Trainer/Educator
- Other, Please Specify
12 Which of the following best describes your current place of employment? (工作机构;单选)
- College Library
- Library Science Program (undergraduate or graduate)
- Public Library
- Secondary School Library
- Special Library
- University Library
- Other, Please Specify