
ISQ:Information Standards Quarterly (Winter 2013, Vol.25 issue 4)
Topic: Evolution of Bibliographic Data Exchange

本辑邀请OCLC数据服务与WorldCat质量部执行主任Ted Fons作为客座主编(导论p.4-5),主要围绕美国国会图书馆开发中的BIBFRAME并有所扩展,作者分别来自德国、美国和法国,显示国际化视野。第1页是BIBFRAME发展年表和数据模型核心类图,题为:BIBFRAME不仅走、而且跑(LC BIBFRAME: Not Just Walking But Running)。专题包括3篇文章、1篇访谈,另有短文介绍BIBFRAME的潜在竞争对手(Schema Bib Extend),以及NISO自己的书目路标行动报告(Bibliograpic Roadmap Initiative,参见:NISO得到梅隆基金资助,评估新书目框架现状及未来需求,2012年11月9日 )。

Are Current Bibliographic Models Suitable for Integration with the Web? / Lars Svensson (German National Library)
Replacing MARC: Where to Start / Paul Moss (OCLC)
A Transformative Opportunity: BIBFRAME at the George Washington University, an Early Experimenter
Interview with Gildas Illien, Director, Bibliographic and Digital Information Department, Bibliotheque nationale de France (BnF)
Schema Bib Extend / Richard Wallis (OCLC)
Charting a Course through a New Exchange Environment: The Niso Bibliograpic Roadmap Initiative / Todd Carpenter

via: Special Information Standards Quarterly Issue on the Evolution of Bibliographic Data Exchange Published by NISO (16 Dec 2013)