

      自己一直是个恬淡闲适的人,最缺的就是进取心;在其位、谋其政,编目是我的职业,本无退路可言,所谓人在江湖、身不由己。哪天改去看门了,换个网名lib gateway,改做综合性博客”图书馆看门人”,网址libgateway.org。希望那时这个名称还没有被人用掉――实在是个很不错的名称。




  1. 先生的blog,已经成了我们关注的重点,学到了很多知识。<br> <br>

  2. 改天就把libgateway.org给注册了先,等编目精灵来收购!^_^!祝贺精灵满月!<br> <br>

  3. 图书馆学的繁荣其实正是我们这些图书馆人或者图书馆学研究者共同精心培育的结果。严重恭喜突破千人浏览大关。<br> <br>

  4. &nbsp; 这个博客是需要静下心来细细地读的,一旦走进去,会看到一个恬淡闲适的人,悠然地滋养着自己的一方天地,包括文字、专业、职业等等。看这个博客,有一种喝绿茶的感觉――很养人。<br> <br>

  5. &nbsp; &nbsp;老槐不敢承认先生沾了老槐的光。先生目迷五色的读书、若有所思的编目、乐此不疲的搜索,创建了一个十分有益于图书馆人的博客。先生看门是不可能的,但再建个“莱布网关”博客,培增自己的能量,也是可以考虑的啊。<br> <br>

  6. ity to sit behind the wheel of the recently unveiled Volkswagen space up! blue concept car. Stefan Jacoby, President and CEO of Volkswagen of America, Inc. shared the space up! blue concept car with Govenor Schwarzenegger. This concept car is powered by both electric propulsion and a high temperature hydrogen fuel cell. At a length of only 12 feet, it has a surprisingly large amount of room for four passengers and offers a realistic look into the future of zero emission car travel in the future. The space up! blue concept design was inspired by the classic deluxe microbus of the 50

  7. The latest look ahead from the National Association for Business Economics said the gross domestic product was on track to expand at just a 1.5 percent pace from October through December. That would mark a sizable decline from the July to September rate of 3.9 percent. The group’s new fourth quarter projection compared with September’s prediction of a 2.5 percent growth rate for the fourth quarter. The GDP the value of all goods and services produced in the United States is considered the best barometer of the country’s economic fitness. For all of this year, the forecasters expect the economy to grow 2.1 percent, which would be the weakest showing since 2002. The economy was then emerging from a recession and grew just 1.6 percent. The association also…<br><a href=’http://site-with-content.com/news/22486′>http://site-with-content.com/</a&gt;
