FRBR 2.0?

    从Web 2.0到Library 2.0,现在FRBR也要2.0 ?
    FRBR从1997年得到批准,到明年就是十年了。一些相关研究发现该模型在实施中存在一些问题,FRBR博客的主人William Denton在IFLA-L邮件组中提出是否需要修订FRBR的问题:

Are there any plans, or is it expected that, FRBR will be revised?  Next fall it will be ten years (!) since the final report was made.  Since 1997 there have been implementations that have turned up difficulties with the model and as it&aposs become better known it&aposs been exposed to some good critical thought and applied in many different areas.

There are working groups on aggregates (which are hard to handle) and expressions (which cause confusion) and harmonization with CIDOC&aposs Conceptual Reference Model (which I think will lead to an object-oriented FRBR).  Functional Requirements for Authority Records was out for comment and that group is thinking about them now, and Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records is underway.  AACR is being turned into the FRBRish Resource Description and Access.

That&aposs a lot of work going on.  When these groups have finished their work, will everything be brought together, all the problems resolved or at least clarified with suggested solutions, and something like FRBR 2.0 issued?  The minutes of the August Review Group&aposs meeting in Oslo say, “Given the importance of the topics to be addressed, the newly formed WG on Aggregates will presumably prove to be a major element in the RG]&aposs policy for the two years to come.”  What&aposll happen after that?  I&aposm curious.



国际博物馆理事会文献委员会的概念参考模型:CIDOC&aposs Conceptual Reference Model
该模型的各种版本,最新为4.2版:Official Release of the CIDOC CRM
网站中还有一个内部的维基论坛:WIKI Forum
ISO/DIS 21127信息与文献――用于文化遗产信息交换的参考本体(Information and documentation — A reference ontology for the interchange of cultural heritage information